'What It Means to Be Human'—Plus 4 More Captivating Works on Our Radar


Ever since the beginning of this month, when the stress of the election tightened its grip on our minds, we’ve been seeking a reprieve from the noise. We wanted something—a book, a film, a virtual play—that would allow us to sink purposefully into a state of entertained edification. This seemed like an impossible feat given how loud the twists and turns of the news are these days—until we came across these five discoveries. Some just out, and some earlier finds, each of these pieces delivers on what we all need right now: an escape that leaves you better than before.

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A Promised Land by Barack Obama

The most striking element to this memoir, which is the first of two volumes, is its candor. President Obama does not heighten his sentiments, nor does he layer any sweetness onto reality. He writes with truth and openness even when discussing the most personal matters, like his marriage.  It is sincerity that is so captivating—and, of course, the riveting looks at his years in the White House. We’ve just cracked open this sweeping story and are already captivated.

I Am Greta

You’ve likely seen her impassioned speech at the UN Climate Action Summit. Great Thunberg, the Swedish teenaged activist that has captured the world’s attention with her conviction to spread awareness around climate change, absolutely stuns. She is bold, fierce, and knowledgeable. And yet, she is also misunderstood. That is why this brilliant documentary is such a gift. It unveils the last hectic two years of her life, from her early days of striking to her time on stage at the UN summit (to which she traveled from Europe aboard a racing yacht). It is an intimate look at one of the most critically focused people alive. If you’re considering whether to watch this, we urge you to do so using Thunberg’s own words: “There’s simply not enough time to wait.”

“The Pandemic Is Showing Us How Capitalism Is Amazing, and Inadequate” via The New York Times

One of the biggest gulfs where opportunity exists is between the state and private sectors. The benefits of capitalism are undeniable, as are the limits (and potential to do damage). This rub is something we cover often—and it’s the subject of this smart piece by Neil Irwin. As Irwin points out, big challenges can bring out the best of innovation from private companies, but so often the gigantic society-wide risks we face can only be quelled by “the collective action of the state” which provides a true “form of insurance.” This begs many questions of our responsibilities on an individual and collective scale.


Race Influences Professional Investors’ Financial Judgements

Why is the powerful, elite financial industry so racially homogenous? This is the question the National Academy of Sciences asks in this report. Researchers at NAS conducted an experiment with asset allocators across a large spectrum—which included private equity, mutual funds, hedge funds, and real estate—to decipher biases and the origins of biases when it comes to funds led by the BIPOC community. The findings are stark and illuminating and unveil the urgent and ongoing need to break the barriers created by arbitrary racists and biased tendencies.


“What It Means to Be Human” with Jane Goodall via On Being

There is an otherworldly quality to Jane Goodall. Her ability to be present and insightful, and to find the most beautiful elements in the jungle, are what makes her one of the most intriguing women we’ve ever learned of. In this conversation between journalist Krista Tippett and Goodall (recommended to The Conscious Investor team by our founder, Eva) the two women cover great ground. They talk about the famous primatologist’s childhood, her love of the forest, her efforts to get scientists to listen to her work early on, humans’ “social and emotional continuity with the natural world,” and the unparalleled power found in empathy. This is a riveting escape.


At The Conscious Investor, it is our goal to shed light on topics that we find interesting, inspirational, and educational. Therefore, this article is strictly for inspirational and informational purposes only. It is in no way intended to substitute for professional investment advice, professional financial advice, or general counsel. To the extent that an article features the insight, opinions, or advice of an expert or company, the expressed views are those of the cited person or company and do not necessarily represent The Conscious Investor and its employees or affiliates.