Our First Year


Sometimes the most dynamic way to move forward is to take a look back. Reflecting on growth and triumphs can highlight the power of action. There is also beauty in acknowledging the milestones—which is certainly what we are celebrating this month as The Conscious Investor turns one.

In our first year we covered the globe: We interviewed innovators in London, Los Angeles, Kinshasa, Tilburg, and beyond. We asked questions about the future of health care, inquired about the progression of impact. We sought insight on the evolution of consumerism, capitalism, governance, and leadership. We mused on the need for strong due diligence and waxed poetic about the power of art. We listened. We educated ourselves. We explored. And we did this all propelled by you.

Thank you for your readership. Every article click, newsletter open, and story share meant more than we can express. You’ve made an impact on us. Thank you.

To honor the close of our first year and to look ahead to the next, we gathered for a conversation. We hope you’ll join us by taking a look here.

With gratitude,

Eva, Stacey, and Mathilde